Edward Steves Jr. House

431 King William street
The Edward Steves, Jr. house is an Italianite style with a front gable and cornice return and elevated quoins decorate the corners. The two stories on the front porch each have different decorative patterned brackets between bays.
This is one of the three Steves homes on as many corners of Johnson and King William Street. It was designed by Alfred Giles and built for Edward Steves, Jr., around 1884 when he married his first wife, Julia Isabella martin. That same year he left the family lumber business founded by his father, Edward Steves, Sr., and started operating a company dealing in guns, ammunition, and other merchandise.
Three generations of the Edward Steves, Jr. family lived in this limestone house. In time it became the home of Edward M. Steves (son of Edward Steves, Jr.) and his wife, Carrie. Mrs. Carrie Steves sold the property to Kay Kline and Philip Kline in 1977. The carriage house and hexagonal addition to the rear of the house were built in the 1980s. Peter and Karen Van Nort purchased the property in 1994, Jefferson Erck in 1998, Ryan T. Hagino and Edith D. Canby-Hagino in 2003, and Caroline A. Forgason in 2014.
The King William Area, A History and Guide to the Houses, Mary V. Burkholder and Jessie N.M. Simpson; published by the King William Association, 2017